An All-Candidates Forum for the candidates in the Langford-Juan de Fuca electoral riding for this month’s provincial election will gather for a unique, online forum via ZOOM on Thursday, Oct. 15th at 7:00PM. The evening is co-hosted by the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, the WestShore Chamber of Commerce and the Sooke Multi-Belief Initiative. Sooke Mayor Maja Tait will moderate.
The candidates are: Gord Baird (Green), Kelly Darwin (Liberal), John Horgan (NDP), and Tyson Riel Strandlund (Communist).
The forum will use a unique non-confrontational method. Instead of engaging in a political debate, the candidates will be asked to address six pre-determined issues, presenting their visions for the future. The six issues are: resolving issues of mental health and homelessness; economic growth during and post pandemic; affordable housing; transportation; climate change action plans; and meaningful alliance with Indigenous Peoples.
To attend the ZOOM forum, please register ahead with the WestShore Chamber of Commerce by going to their website ( Select “Event Registration”. Click on October 15 on the calendar, fill in and submit your registration. You will receive an email with your ZOOM log-in just prior to the event. The event will also be livestreamed on YouTube.
For more information, contact Don Brown, Sooke Multi-Belief Initiative: (250) 884-9636