Margaret Atwood in conversation with CBC's
Shelagh Rogers
Friday, September 27 at 8:00 pm
University Centre Farquhar Auditorium
3800 Finnerty Rd., University of Victoria
Tickets: $45* *Includes a copy of The Testaments to be received at the event
Buy in person at the UVic Ticket Centre,
over the phone at (250) 721-8480, or online at
Season three of The Handmaid's Tale drops this Wednesday, but TV can only satisfy for so long. This fall, join Atwood herself as she discusses the decade's most anticipated sequel. Set 15 years after the events of the original novel, The Testamentsfollows three new handmaids as they navigate life in a dystopia that looks ever more familiar...
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
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