Sources of information referenced in "Victoria's iconic, world-class blunder"
1. The dimensions of the highway roadway of the new Johnson Street Bridge
2. City of Victoria announces start of construction May 17, 2013.
3. The dimensions of the highway roadway for the Millau Viaduct:
4. The estimated project cost for the Millau Viaduct:
The Bartlett School of Planning put the project cost at about 345 M Euros (2004) Millau Viaduct estimate of projects costs.1.pdf
Other sources have put the project cost as high as 394 M Euros (2004)
Using the higher figure, 394 M Euros = $547 M CAD in 2004.
Inflation since 2004 would put the cost of the Millau Viaduct in 2016 at $666.4 M CAD.
5. The cost of the new Johnson Street Bridge
Although the project is expected to take another year to complete, and not all costs have been finalized, the project itself is putting the cost at roughly $110 M CAD once costs for fendering, landscaping and public art are included. Given the project's long history of underestimation—and shifting costs—a total final cost of $115 M is likely.
6. The arithmetic that shows a square metre of highway deck on the new Johnson Street Bridge is about 5 times more costly than the Millau Viaduct:
The Millau Viaduct's highway deck dimensions are 27.75 metres by 2460 metres = 68,265 sq metres.
At a project cost of $666.4 M CAD, that is $666,400,000/68,265 sq metres = $9762 per sq metre
The new Johnson Street Bridge's steel bascule leaf has a highway deck width of 13.5 metres. The concrete approach spans are slightly wider at 15 metres. The bridge's overall length is 156 metres. So, using the 15 metre dimension, the new bridge's highway deck area is 15 metres by 156 metres = 2340 sq metres.
At a project cost of $115 M CAD, that is $115,000,000/2340 sq metres = $49,145 per sq metre
$49,145/$9762 = 5/1
7. Email from Delcan consulting engineer Joost Meyboom to City of Victoria engineer Mike Lai, November 21, 2008.
8. Seaspan's letter to the City of Victoria:
9. The City of Victoria's response to an FOI request for the "clouded out" contract drawings Jonathan Huggett claimed existed.
10. An email exchange between Jonathan Huggett and an MMM employee in which the MMM employee tells Huggett that a "deal" was struck between the City of Victoria and PCL with respect to the additional cost of fendering. This information—that the issue was a matter of "credit for indicative versus the current fendering under construction"—does not jive with Huggett's claim that the fendering cost issue arose because fendering on the north side was not included in the PCL contract City of Victoria councillors were asked to approve in December 2012.