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To Grow or Not To Grow: Developing a Liveable Sooke in a Climate Emergency


Event details

Transition Sooke is holding a virtual Town Hall to discuss the rate of growth in our community. We are concerned that increasing growth means increasing greenhouse gas emissions and we will have a much greater challenge meeting our climate change targets. Most residents are frustrated with the increase in traffic already; this is the time to consider our options.

The Town Hall will kick off with a short video called “Growing Pains.” In the video, Sooke residents talk about the future of their community and what they think about the changes that are happening. An open discussion with participants will follow.

In the engagement process for the new Official Community Plan, Sooke residents had the opportunity to choose from scenarios that proposed where growth should occur.  But Sooke residents haven’t been asked how much more they want to grow in 10 years. We hope this Town Hall will bring a focus to the concerns of residents and ideas for a sustainable and climate-resilient town for our children.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The event will be held online on Zoom. To register and get the login information, email sooketransition@gmail.com

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