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Hearing Voices: Performance by Connie Morey in response to Life Stories


Event details

This event began 2021-02-13 and repeats every 3 weeks on Saturday until 2021-02-27

Saturdays, February 13, 20, 27 | 11am – 12pm

Facebook event

Beginning at 630 Yates Street, continuing into downtown Victoria

While the exhibition Life Stories gives space to the objects and associated memories that inhabit our lives, Connie Morey’s (UVic Alumni, MEd ’07, Phd ‘17) performed sculpture Hearing Voices explores the voices and stories of life in seemingly uninhabited spaces. As a way to extend Life Stories beyond what we see and hear in the Gallery into the surrounding downtown neighbourhood, Connie will carry a collection of abandoned spaces on her back as she walks through the streets and alleys of Victoria. Through walking, she activates spaces that are seen as inactive, exploring what it might look like to hear the voices of those who inhabit spaces deemed vacant. What is the voice of a decomposing building, of the overgrowth of nature on concrete walls, of the layered processes of graffiti on unkept structures? What are the life stories of the spaces we don’t often see?

Edited by Nicole Achtymichuk

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