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    September 25, 2019      October 12, 2019

    Arden Rose: Artwork
    The work of Arden Rose will be on display in the Langham Court Theatre Lounge during the run of Over the River and Through the Woods, Sept 25-Oct 12. The pieces will be available for viewing and purchase at the reception, pre-show, during intermission or post-show during the show run and during Box Office hours.
    Artist Statement
    My paintings celebrate our human spirit.
    As humans we often forget to take the time to find our joy, yet it surrounds us. We can find it in the colours of spring, along a forest path, or in the face of another. It’s in child’s play, laughter, and love.
    I want my images to stir your soul; is there a trace of you in a brush stroke? If it whispers to you, then you will find your joy.
    Arden is a Victoria based artist and member of VAC, Zebra Arts Collective, and SPAC. She has been painting for 10+ years and has taken part in the Fairfield Artist Studio Tour, Bowker Creek Brush Up and was the Artist is Residence at the Parkside Hotel & Spa. She has also participated in several Live Painting shows including Art Battle. 
    Art Show and Reception
    Sunday, September 29, 1–3 p.m. in the Lounge. 

    Event details

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