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    September 30, 2021 02:30 AM

    Have you ever wished you could lean over the desk of one of your favourite authors, stealing a peek at an early draft? Now you can. Four of Victoria’s finest writers—Patrick Friesen, Hiromi Goto, Julie Paul, and Troy Sebastian |nupqu ʔak·ǂam̓—are offering you a glimpse of their unpublished manuscripts. Two will share writing in genres that are new to them, the others in genres they’re known for. There will be poetry and prose, polished drafts and early ones, but the readings will be similar in that they will be your only chance. By the time these words appear in book form, they’ll be altered.
    Following the readings, the authors will join poet and nonfiction writer Eve Joseph for a conversation about how ideas first find their way onto the page, and what happens afterwards.
    Moderated by Eve Joseph
    This event will have captioning for in-person and livestream options

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