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Brian White

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  1. Thanks for that. There are so many things wrong with our current approach. I will pick on just one. As climate change dries up tadpole pools early, we are not allowed to move them to a new pool to save their lives. Huge fines prevent this. We are not allowed to release them into our back gardens that they inhabited 30 years ago. So they can never repopulate areas again. It is absurd. All species are "invasive' including native species. If they didn't leave home and populate new areas, they would be long gone from inbreeding. I think BC needs new rules to allow us to help our native amphibians and reptiles repopulate areas that they lost in the past. My old houseon Powderly st in Vic west had Salamanders in the Basement in about 2002. The only way Salamanders can ever return to Vic west is with human help. Why not change the rules to allow this? Brian White
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