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  1. Your article put me into contemplative mode. Your comments rang SO real and true that I could feel a stirring in the winds-of-change... I am noticing how the litterers on my dead-end street are right at this moment turning up their collars and shivering with the chill. Yes, they all know who they are. Their time will come to face the great ReCycler-in-the-Sky and answer for their neglect. Meanwhile we thank you not only for your attention to nitty GRITTY* (*indeed!!)detail of your walks but for putting pen to paper to share your keen observations. I sense your optimism, and I venture that your name may indeed adorn a local garbage truck in the not-so-distant future ! I shall be adding a pair of gloves and a bag (NOT a plastic one) to my knapsack next I leave the house. Nejama
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