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What Artists Bring to the Table: Elisa Rathje


Regan S
Ongoing Events

Join artist and garden farmer Elisa Rathje for apple-pressing on a century-old cider press using apples harvested from Appleturnover, her 1½ acre 1895 Salt Spring apple orchard turned food forest and micro-silvopasture. For the workshop, bring along a half-pint mason jar to collect fresh apple juice and come chat about the possibilities of home-scale wild fermentation. During the discussion, Rathje will explore ways in which participants can start to transition to simple living and “radical home & local economies” in an era of ecological crisis and energy descent.

The workshop is free, but registration is required as attendance is limited. If Eventbrite is not an accessible way of registration for you, please phone Regan Shrumm at 250-384-4171 x 220, or email at rshrumm@aggv.ca to register.


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